Kayak Paddle
What is a Kayak Paddle?
A paddle for kayak is an essential tool for propelling and steering a kayak through the water. It consists of two blades attached to a shaft, and the paddler uses it to propel themselves forward by alternating strokes on either side of the kayak.
Generally, the components Include the blades (The wide, flat parts of the paddle that go into the water and provide propulsion.), shaft (The long, usually cylindrical portion of the paddle that the paddler holds onto.), and grip(The handle at the top end of the shaft that the paddler holds onto.).

The Paddle Types We Can Produce
We can produce various glassfiber or carbon fiber kayak paddles, like the wing blade type, white water type, fishing kayak type, recreational kayak types, etc.

Wing Blade Type Paddle

Greenland Paddle

Flat Blade Kayak Paddle
Professional Kayak Oars Paddle Manufacturer
There are various types of them that are designed for different types of kayaking and personal preferences.
Unity Sports as a professional composite sport kayak paddle manufacturer, we can produce low-angle Paddles, high-angle Paddles, and touring paddles for different customers. The picture on the left side is one the high-angle paddles.
Meanwhile, if you have the design, we can provide the OEM service for you. If you need other paddles like the SUP paddle, dragon boat paddle, and so on. Welcome to visit our other product page to see more.